Panel discussion: GAN presents “The Future of Apprenticeships”
5 September 2022
We are thrilled to announce that the Global Apprenticeship Network will present “The Future of Apprenticeships” panel at this year’s APAC TVET Forum, on Wednesday 14th September.
The annual APAC TVET Forum brings together key groups – governments, industries, and educators – with a view to creating thriving futures for people everywhere.
Te Pūkenga (New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology), Education New Zealand and Skills Consulting Group launched the APAC TVET Forum in 2021, with a shared purpose: to ensure the sustainability of workforces through innovation and skill building. Sharings knowledge and insight on best practices across Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the Asia-Pacific., the inaugural event had almost 1,000 registered participants from 61 countries who joined together for a cross-system conversation about effective skills development. For more about the event, visit
“Reshape – Rethink – Reset” is the theme of the 2022 APAC TVET Forum on 14-15 September. During the two-day virtual event, attendees will hear from senior government officials, major companies, international organisations and TVET sector leaders from around the world on topics like sustainable practices, digital learning and micro-credentials.
Education NZ CEO Grant McPherson says “The forum is an essential calendar date for anyone interested in equipping the next generation with the skills required to live and lead in a diverse and integrated world.”
Aligned to the theme ‘Reshape – Rethink – Reset’, the Future of Apprenticeships panel will spotlight five areas:
- Creating more opportunities for diverse communities
- Improving apprenticeship completion rates
- Supporting small businesses
- Better school to work transitions of youth and regional communities
- Supporting employers post COVID
The session will focus on the Apprenticeship systems in Australia, Switzerland, and New Zealand to compare and contrast these three countries’ approaches, with sharing of good practice, lessons in public-private engagement, advocacy for apprenticeships and the role of key stakeholders in shaping effective systems. In particular, the panel will address the importance of international collaboration in addressing the future of work. Other topics for discussion include policies and programs for responsive training, development of current skills supply, and managing the demands of rapidly evolving labour markets.
Panel member and GAN New Zealand co-ordinator Josh Williams says, “Global forces right now are creating major focus on workforce skills, so I’m really looking forward to swapping notes with Australia and Switzerland about how employers, companies and colleges work together in our respective countries to deliver high quality apprenticeships.”
- Moderator: Nazrene Mannie, Executive Director, GAN Global
- Gary Workman, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Employment Network + GAN Australia
- Josh Williams, Principal Consultant for Skills Consulting Group and GAN New Zealand
- Jose Oberson, Head of Division Vocational Education and Training, Movetia
- Erik Swars, Head of International Affairs, Swiss Federal University For Vocational Education and Training (SFUVET)

As a valued GAN New Zealand member, we invite you to share your thoughts on the following topics prior to the event:
- What are the biggest issues that you believe we face in New Zealand’s apprenticeship system?
- What would you like to learn from other countries?
- How are you building inclusiveness into the system?
Please send us your comments HERE. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions at the event.
Event: GAN panel discussion: “The Future of Apprenticeships”
Date: Wednesday, 14 September
Time: 16h40-17h30 (NZ)
Location: Live, virtual event link provided upon registration
Free to attend, register for this online event: